What is a CIN Number?
A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique 21-digit alphanumeric code assigned to every registered company in India. It serves as a digital fingerprint, identifying and differentiating companies from one another.
The Importance of a CIN Number
- Unique Identification: The CIN ensures each company has a distinct identity, preventing confusion and fraud.
- Regulatory Compliance: It’s essential for complying with various statutory requirements, such as filing annual returns, obtaining licenses, and participating in government tenders.
- Public Information: The CIN is publicly accessible, allowing stakeholders to access information about a company’s registration details, financial performance, and legal proceedings.
- Interdepartmental Coordination: The CIN facilitates seamless communication and data sharing between different government departments and regulatory bodies.
CIN Number Format
The CIN is structured into six sections:
- L or U: Specifies whether the company is publicly listed on a stock exchange (L) or remains privately held (U).
- Next Five digits: Represents the industry type and economic activity.
- Next Two letters: Denotes the state of incorporation.
- Next Four digits: Indicates the year of incorporation.
- Next Three letters: Specifies the company type (e.g., PLC, PTC, FTC, GOI).
- Next Six digits: A unique registration number assigned by the Registrar of Companies

Obtaining a CIN Number
- Company Registration: When a company is registered with the ROC, it is automatically assigned a CIN number.
- Verification: You can verify a company’s CIN using online tools provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) or by directly contacting the ROC.
How to Find a Company’s CIN
Finding a company’s CIN is a straightforward process:
- Visit the MCA Website: Go to the official website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
- Search for the Company: To find a company’s details, search for it using the website’s search bar or navigate to the “View Company/LLP Master Data” section.
- Enter Details: Input the company’s name.
- View Results: The search results will display the company’s details, including the CIN number.
Alternate Way for CIN Number Check
PAN to CIN API is a convenient tool to obtain a company’s CIN and other details. Several API service providers offer this functionality. You can use the API by:
- Entering the Company’s PAN Number: Provide the Business PAN number of the desired organisation.
- Receiving Company Details: The API will return the company’s name, CIN number and other relevant information.
Please note: You may need to purchase a subscription or plan to access the PAN to CIN API
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Failure to mention the CIN on official documents can result in penalties:
- Daily Fine: A daily fine of Rs. 1,000 may be imposed until the company complies with the regulations.
- Maximum Penalty: The maximum penalty is capped at Rs. 1,00,000.
- Responsible Persons: Officers responsible for non-compliance may also face individual penalties.
Additional Company and its stakeholders Identifiers:
- GST: While the CIN is a unique identifier for a company, the GST (Goods and Services Tax) number is used for tax purposes.
Read Also: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Business Operations with GSTIN Verification API
- PAN: The CIN and PAN (Permanent Account Number) are distinct identifiers. The PAN is primarily used for income tax identification and administration.
- DIN: The CIN is the unique identifier for a company, while the DIN (Director Identification Number) is assigned to individual directors of the company.
Remember: The CIN is a crucial piece of information for any company operating in India. Adhering to CIN regulations is essential for maintaining compliance and avoiding penalties.
The CIN is a vital component of corporate governance in India. It ensures unique identification, facilitates regulatory compliance, and provides transparency for stakeholders. Understanding the CIN number is crucial for businesses operating in India.
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